Summer Reception – Have you heard? “Recovery Rocks!”

Renee Kollman, Triumph’s Director of External Affairs, speaks at Triumph’s first Summer Reception at the Genesis Building.

On August 29, 2024, we hosted our first Summer Reception event to celebrate our donors, sponsors, and partners, and to welcome the community into the newly completed Genesis Building. Inspirational messages of encouragement and recovery were scattered throughout the room, and guests were invited to paint rocks with these messages to leave behind for clients. Women currently in Triumph’s residential treatment programs painted canvases that were displayed through an art walk at the entrance. Live music filled the Genesis dining hall, featuring local cellist Bob Waldarous and Triumph’s own counselor, Jerry Wilks, on violin.

One of the most touching moments of the evening was hearing from Sandra Cardenas, who has been in recovery for 13 years. Sandra shared her powerful story of transformation, emphasizing how her counselors at Triumph helped her realize the grip her addiction had on her. “I learned I wasn’t a bad mommy, I was an addicted mommy,” she said, and that revelation changed the trajectory of her life. Sandra has achieved a remarkable milestone: she broke the cycle of trauma and addiction for her own children, allowing them to grow up with hope, joy, and excitement. Now, Sandra is a counselor in Triumph’s Pregnant and Parenting Women’s program, where she supports women facing challenges similar to those she once did. Her journey is a testament to the impact of our work and the resilience of the human spirit.

During the reception program, Triumph’s Chief Executive Officer, Jolene Seda, shared accomplishments from the organization’s 2021-2023 strategic plan. She spoke about Triumph’s vision for a continuum of care focused on increasing access to behavioral health services as well as the benefits of outreach to increase access to services for those who need it most and addressing behavioral health upstream by expanding outpatient mental health services. Jolene concluded by celebrating the opening of the Genesis Building, a project significantly supported by local donors.

We also had the privilege of hearing from Cassidy Leslie, our Clinical Director, who provided deep insights into the humanity of our clients. Stephanie Aguilar, our Mental Health Supervisor, announced the exciting opening of our new mental health outpatient clinic services, which will greatly enhance our ability to support those in need. Additionally, Triumph’s youngest donor, Synthia Wright, shared her heartfelt belief that supporting those in need is both simple and profoundly rewarding. Her words were a beautiful reminder of the compassion and generosity that drive our mission.

Your support makes all this possible. We are incredibly grateful for your generosity and commitment to our cause. Together, we are making a real difference in the lives of many individuals and families. Thank you once again for being an integral part of our community. We look forward to continuing this journey with you. Recovery really does rock!

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