Adopt a Family this Holiday

Triumph’s Season of Sharing

Each day Triumph helps support many families. . .

who are working through substance use disorder treatment, mental health, homelessness, and poverty.

Holidays are an emotional time to for our clients who are working to recover from the trauma of addiction. Your donation will help us purchase gifts for over 100 families in Triumph’s Housing and Parent-Child Assistance Programs (PCAP) this holiday season.


Donation Deadline: December 15th, 2023

What Season of Sharing means to me…

“Season of Sharing is a chance for Triumph families who can’t afford gifts to bring new memories to their family,” says Sharekia, who now works in the office at Yakima’s Parent Child Assistant Program (PCAP), hosted by Triumph. Several years ago, Sharekia was in the PCAP program herself and recalls what it meant to her in her early recovery to have gifts to provide for her children she said “it was really fulfilling and took a load of me, so I could focus on school.” 

Help families like Edna…

Edna, mother of two, was college bound and working three jobs to get there. Then, when she was 21, an invitation to her manager’s birthday party changed her life. “I’ve been to five treatment centers — that I can think of,” she says. Now a Triumph graduate, Edna celebrates two years substance-free with her two children Azula and Daniel.

Read Edna’s Success Story ->

Donate Today

Online or by Check

Make a donation online by clicking the button below or mail a check to 120 S. 3rd St, Yakima WA, 98901; ATTN: Development Office

Shop & Ship (or deliver...)

Ship or drop off new and unwrapped items at our Peer Support office at 124 S 3rd St, Yakima WA, 98901.

Drop Off Locations
  • Peer Support Office: 124 S 3rd St, Yakima WA, 98901.

Other drop off locations TBD..

Adopt of Family

Prefer to purchase new gifts directly from a family’s wish list? Reach out to our Development Office at 509-853-4109 or email

Renee Riel-Smith, pictured above, poses with the gifts the Riel family donated to 32 moms at Triumph’s Pregnant and Parenting Women’s Campus.