Triumph celebrates its 6th year hosting International Overdose Awareness Day in Yakima, WA

On August 31st, 2022, local community partners, vendors, speakers, and members come together on International Overdose Awareness Day.

Local communities in Yakima and around the world come together to remember those who have died or suffered permanent injury due to drug overdose.

Observed on the 31st of August every year, International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD) seeks to create a better understanding of overdose, reduce the stigma of drug-related deaths, and create change that reduces the harms associated with drug use.

In 2022. Triumph hosted International Overdose Awareness Day at Sarg Hubbard Park in Yakima, WA. Different community partners and individuals from around central Washington came together to share resources, tell their stories, and to remember those whose lives have been lost.

Over 15 community partners came together to share their resources and the excellent work they do and event attendance neared 150. We came together to remember those who have died or suffered permanent injury due to drug overdose, as well as to celebrate stories of success and triumph. Highlights from the program included talks from Dr. Gillian Zuckerman of Central Health of Central Washington and Dr. Kelly Olson of Millennium Health. Touching family stories were shared by Janni Stelzer, Megan Tweedy, Stephanie Vandersluis, Mark Mulford, and Eric Johson with a beautiful innovation by Reverend Dr. Bill Starr.

Triumph looks forward to its 7th annual Overdose Awareness Day on August 31st, 2023. Stay tuned for event details. We welcome any and all from the community to come and participate. Whether you are a community partner, community leader, or just a prospective attendee, we’d love to see you. Community partners can set up an informational table or speak at the event to share resources with event attendees.

Please email or visit our IOAD page for more details.

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