During the season of generosity, we reflect on the three pillars of giving: time, talent, and treasure.
Volunteers from Stone Church
There are countless ways to make a difference in the world and there is no wrong way to be generous. Many of us share our treasure to improve our communities by making donations during this time of year, and what a gift this is to organizations like Triumph. But monetary donations are not the only way to be generous. Many give of their talent and time, the latter of which may be the most valuable resource of all because time is fleeting and once it’s gone, it’s gone.
In just a few short months, we’ve had the privilege of working with 42 incredible volunteers who have been giving of their time. Last year we shared this story about our pilot volunteer program with just a few dedicated volunteers (thank you Lisa, Nancy, and Lena!!). Since August, we have formalized a new volunteer program that includes both event and sustaining volunteers in several different programs. These remarkable individuals have contributed their time and talents to a myriad of activities, ranging from hosting delightful pumpkin painting events to spreading holiday cheer through festive Christmas gatherings. They’ve also played a crucial role in organizing department activities like sorting basic needs for Triumph’s Backpacks for the Homeless program, providing invaluable assistance with clerical work, and so much more.
Triumph’s volunteer program has been led by Kim Wakeman, our new Recruiting and Development Manager. Kim says, “Triumph offers a multitude of opportunities for those who have a passion for serving in a volunteer capacity. We believe in the power of community, and with your help, we can continue to make a positive impact on the lives of those we touch.”
So… how can YOU get involved? We have volunteer opportunities in event planning, assisting with fundraising, game nights, cleaning and organizing, childcare respite, arts and crafts leaders, lecturers, filing, and other areas. If you have a great idea for a volunteer opportunity, we would love to hear it! Contact us to learn more by emailing volunteers@triumphtx.org or visit our website at Volunteers | Triumph Treatment Services (triumphtx.org). We welcome you with open arms and look forward to the wonderful contributions we can make together.
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